Seller Strategies

Tips To Being A Smart Seller

How I Help You Make The Most Of The Market

Capitalizing On The First Offer

When selling your home, it's tempting to pass up the first offer from a potential buyer in hopes that higher offers may come. But the first offer can often be the best offer a seller receives, so it's wise not to take it for granted. This chart illustrates the reasons why this typically occurs.

Overpricing And Inaction Lead To Diminishing Returns

649 Capitalizing on the First Offer Ninja.pdf

Overpricing can occur in any real estate market and doing so will lead to diminishing returns

⇒ Fresh and excited
⇒ Focused on value vs. price

⇒ Seen it all, experienced, very particular
⇒ Focused on value vs. price

⇒ Focused on price
⇒ Want to negotiate

⇒ Drawn to phrases: "Just reduced", "Must sell"
⇒ Looking to build/maximize property ROI
⇒ Strong negotiators

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